As you can imagine everyday is different in nursery. 
We plan the children's activities through 'Topic Planning' following the children's interests, whilst also providing new opportunities for them. This ensures every individual child is planned for and their development is tracked within nursery. We use our online learning journal Blossom, this allows us to upload photos and observations of your child whilst they are in nursery, you can access these via the Blossom Parent app. Each time we upload an observation you will receive a notification. 

So what happens on a typical day in Wee Ones......
Butterflies Room (3 months - 2 years)

  • 8am-9am - children arriving & free play
  • 8am-8.45am - breakfast 
  • 8.45am-9.15am - free play*
  • 9.15am - song time
  • 9.30am - snack
  • 9.45/10am - outdoor play whatever the weather (or sleeps)
  • 11.15/11.20am -story time
  • 11.30am- lunch time
  • 12noon - free play* (or preparing for sleeps)
  • 2pm - snack time
  • 2.30pm - outdoor play
  • 4pm - tea time
*Adult led activities are carried out throughout the day dependent on the children's interest that day.
Sleep and milk times are also carried out throughout the day dependent on when they are needed following usual routines at home where possible. Nappies are changed at regular times throughout the day (or before if needed). 
You can receive notifications via our Blossom app on what your child has eaten, nappy changes, when they have slept and any milk they may have had.
Dragonflies Room (2+ years)
  • 8am-9am - children arriving & free play
  • 8am-8.45am - breakfast 
  • 8.45am-9.15am - free play*
  • 9.30am- external classes (Wednesday & Friday)
  • 9.45am - song time (adaptable dependent on class times)
  • 10am - snack
  • 10.20/10.30am - outdoor play whatever the weather
  • 11.15/11.20am -story time
  • 11.30am- lunch time
  • 12noon - free play* 
  • 2pm - snack time
  • 2.30pm - outdoor play
  • 4pm - tea time
*Adult led activities are carried out throughout the day dependent on the children's interest that day.
Sleep times are also carried out throughout the day dependent on when they are needed following usual routines at home where possible. Nappies are changed at regular times throughout the day (or before if needed).
These times are flexible throughout the day.
What do our parents and children think …
"Me and my 2 year old are so happy with Wee Ones nursery! Their friendly-ness and flexibility makes my life so much easier. My daughter loves going to nursery and in the 1.5 days she is there a week she has already started counting up to 20 and singing the ABC song. I'm so impressed!"
Mum to 35 month old
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