We are open 48 weeks of the year from 8am-5pm. 
We close for two weeks at Christmas and two weeks in August.

Fees from January 2025

0-2 Years  
We offer 15 hours Working Parent funding 

Hourly Rate-  £7.90ph

2-3 Years    

We offer 15 hours Working Parent funding 

Hourly Rate -  £7.80ph

3-5 Years

We offer 15 hours universal funding and the extended 15 hours (30 hours). You can read more below.

Any additional hours are charged £7.70ph 

We are flexible on session times between our opening hours 8am-5pm and are able to adapt to what you may need, please contact us for more information. 

Fees include: Breakfast (if applicable), healthy snacks, milk (formula milk) and wipes. We ask that parents provide their own nappies and sun cream.

We also offer free settling in sessions, please ask for details when you come to visit us.

Parents can provide their child with a packed lunch/tea, however we are able to pre order hot lunches and a hot tea option upon request at an additional charge (please see below).
Lunch (cooked meal, side order and desert) - £3.10 
Sample Lunch Menu
Hot Tea - £2.10
Sample Tea Menu
The lunch and tea menu are also able to cater for children

with allergies, please enquire for further details.

Government Funding

FEET (Funded Early Education for Two year olds)

An offer for up to 15 hours funded early education/childcare a week, for up to 38 weeks a year.
To be eligible your family must meet either the automatically funded, financial or other criteria. You can find out more information using the link below.

Working Parent Entitlement (9 months +)

Working families who meet the eligibility criteria can claim up to 15 or 30 hours of childcare per week for 38 weeks a year.
Applications must be made through the HMRC's Childcare Choices website. 

3-4 Years Funding

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded early education for up to 38 weeks a year. This starts the term after your child turns 3. This is to allow children to take part in planned learning activities and help prepare them for school. You can find out more information using the link below.
We also offer the extended funded hours (30 hours).

We offer funding either term time only or stretched (all year round).

Please remember you need to renew your code every three months to continue claiming the funding.
Funded Early Education for Working Parents Funded Early Education for Two Year Olds Funded Early Education for 3 & 4 Year Olds
Wee One’s Day Nursery are happy to discuss how to register you for free funding or give you more details. We are also willing to spread your free entitlement over the course of the year, subject to availability with priority given to full day or sessional care.
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